My Favorite Flower

Bethia Robinson
3 min readOct 22, 2020
Photo Credit: Ryan D Riley

That’s easy! For me it is the ROSE.

There is nothing else that even comes close the beautiful rose at all in its stages of bloom. I love the buds even when you can barely see the color and then as it gradually enlarges and is fully a bud. I love to watch it gradually open, as each petal unfolds and then it becomes a still tightly closed up rose. More waiting and then one morning I look out and there it is — a beautiful open rose! But not too opened and it stays like this for several days and I gaze at it in wonder, the wonder of the beautiful work of nature. One wonders, too, why this happened as this plant does not have to rely on making seeds to perpetuate it as does the marigold or the snapdragon. It has a sturdy root to keep the species going and doesn’t have to produce fragrance or colors to attract insects or birds. But it does anyway!

I have been growing roses for years now and I never fail to marvel at them. The last few years I have been rescuing them from the harsh weather on the northeast side of the garden and have moved four of them to a kinder environment closer to the protection of the house. Several were down to their last tiny branch with only one leaf attached. I am happy that all of them are now growing beautifully to their last tiny branch with only one leaf attached. I am happy that all of them are now growing beautifully and the last one named “October Fest” is about to open its bright autumn-colored flower to celebrate the last rose of the season. The rose that is climbing a trellis beside my front porch is one of my favorites. “Sally Holmes,” purchased in honor of my sister, Sally, is a fantastic rose, presenting in clusters that open the color of fine porcelain light pink and white, then as each individual bloom opens it becomes larger and larger until it is a huge globe of pink and white. It stays around a long time like that and as it fades it becomes pure white. And another feature — it has no thorns so that one can brush by it and not get clothing caught along with scratches to the skin.

I do have a special vine here that is both a blessing and a curse. The trumpet vine is orange and for some reason the two most orange birds that visit the Cape like to drink nectar from orange flowers so it attracts these wonders of nature. But there is aside effect and in life, there always seem to be side effects. It also attracts slim, beautiful, bold and cunning female Orchard Orioles, one of which knows how to get through three layers of wire and net to my blueberries.

So that is the story of flowers and roses in particular. But beware, if you plant one and have good luck with it, I’m warning you, that you will want to have more! Some are a challenge and some almost grow themselves!

