Photo Credit: Robert Couse-Baker

Thousand Dollar Shopping Spree to a Big Box Store

Bethia Robinson
4 min readNov 26, 2020


Yesterday was about the most frustrating day that I have ever had and some of it involved material items and some of it was regarding disorganization. I was ready for a shopping spree to the nearest big store. Think Target is my favorite but none nearby.

The day began early before dawn as I woke up and thought I would just listen to one more disc of this awful book and would get it over and done with that much sooner. It was described as the “author’s best yet” and I swallowed it. I use audio books to get to sleep at night. Well, that was the first downer of a totally downer day.

Then when I got up and went downstairs, I realized that I had not refrigerated the 4 cups of green tomatoes that I had chopped the night before so had to take it to the compost. So I wasted probably half an hour at least and all that arthritic hand motion. Plus there would be that much more I had to do today. I did however pack up 12 bags of ripe tomatoes and took them to the Senior Center who were very happy to see them! If I knew how to make that smiley face on her I would do that now.

So #1 on my shopping list at the store would be a food processor.

Then I went out in the back yard to get all the ripe tomatoes in before the big storm. I have another week to go before the pros come to spend their thirteen minutes mowing again and the grass out there is about 3 inches high already! How I wished I had an electric mower to cut that down myself now!

#2. An electric mower

There is a whole bunch of mushrooms growing by the driveway — regular Alice in Wonderland style. Some have the high tops that a tiny person like small Alice could sit under and then some have grown enough to be like pancakes on little stems! It is quite a sight. So I decided that I wanted to see if I could take a picture of this before they deteriorate but how to do it? I have a very nice regular Olympus camera but I could not get down and lie on the ground. I can’t even get down on one knee without crying out in pain. So I got my grasshopper (a stool on wheels) and sat on that but I couldn’t get the picture I really wanted.

#3. A close-up camera

Inside I wanted to find the paper I had about my grandfather’s high school class as he was the only boy with about eight girls. I had just seen it maybe a couple of months ago but a complete search of my files revealed nothing. I borrowed a picture of the whole high school of 1898 and had a copy made for the Historical Society and now that I have the picture I don’t have the write-up. Frustrating.

#4. A new filing system

Along those same lines a cousin in FL sent me a notice that she had found two Mayflower ancestors! And, I made a note that the papers she sent me HAD to be kept special and so that is what I did for a long time. Now that I want them, of course they are missing.

#5. A new contractor

I put in a call to the fellow who helps me here about some problems that I need to care for now and he has not returned my call for a week!

#6. A bunch of ripe bananas

I went to the library early afternoon just before the storm struck. But instead of having the list of books that I wanted I brought in my grocery list! So I remembered a couple of them with no luck. I lost a call from a friend, too. At the grocery store all went well except that I decided to repeat a stroke of good luck I had had the other day and got a small bunch of organic bananas as they really tasted better. But unfortunately that plastic wrapping must be deceiving as although they did not have brown spots on them the insides were rotten.

#7. Tutelage about TVs

And the final pay-off — it had been raining for hours now. I was lying on the sofa watching TV with the two remotes that I now need with this new TV beside me. Decided to get up and pressed one of the buttons on one of them and lost the picture. I tried a few things but with no luck and so finally called a family member for help. We worked on it for over an hour and finally I had to call Comcast! Long wait due to the storm. NO luck there either so now a technician is coming this afternoon anywhere from 1 until 5 so I might be here all afternoon waiting. I missed one of my favorite shows!

